America is profoundly disconnected.

We’re working to change that.

We're kicking butt and taking numbers.

Because America’s been sold a load of crap, we're not buying into it.


Year Founded

Work Ethic Scholarship Granted
Recipients Awarded
Skilled Trades Supported
States Reached
Whiners Rewarded

We’re helping Americans work.

FBN Prime is teaming up with us to provide resources for opportunities that keep America’s infrastructure in working order.


We're still smiling under these...
and you can, too.

Shop our masks, and 100% of the net proceeds will help us close the skills gap.

We're rewarding hard workers.

We recognize that a good education doesn’t always require a four-year degree.  That’s why we look for people who aren’t afraid to learn a useful skill and work their butts off, like work ethic scholarship recipients Carlyn McClelland and Victoria Knight.


"America is lending money it doesn't have to kids who can’t pay it back to train them for jobs that no longer exist. That’s nuts.”

- Mike Rowe